Friday, November 30, 2007

December News

Junior Leaders. Children's Ministry is looking for dependable 4 th – 8th graders who are willing to be a part of a team of mentors for our younger children. Fourth and fifth graders will help with various tasks during the once a month Kids Praise and Worship Service.  Fourth to eighth graders will have the opportunity to help during the 11:00 a.m. Sunday KIDS G.I.G. This will give your child the chance to demonstrate God's love, develop leadership skills, and serve their church.  Please contact the Children's Ministry office at 268-5549 ext. 20 for an application.

Birthday Bash! Get ready to party! Come and celebrate Jesus' birthday early with KIDS G.I.G.  All children, preschool to fifth grade, are cordially invited to a Birthday Party for the newborn King on Saturday, December 15 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be served. This is a great opportunity for your child to bring a friend to church and both of them will receive a gift. Please call the Children's Ministry office at 268-5549, ext. 20 by December 6 in order to reserve a spot for your child.

Children's Christmas Eve Service. Tuesday, December 24, at 4:00 p.m., all children and their families are invited to attend the "Out of the Box" Christmas Eve Service. Come and discover what God wants for Christmas. It's to you a surprise and with various boxes it is disguised. For this you must wait. It's what you offer Him, and it's really, really great! We look forward to seeing you during this special time.

Children's Council. Mark your calendars   for a Children's Council meeting on Saturday, January 12, at 5:00 p.m.  Bring a covered side dish or dessert so that we can eat and meet.   Please contact the children's ministry office by Sunday, January 6, if you cannot attend.  Childcare will be provided (if needed).

Childcare Needed. Do you love children?  Do you love the Lord? Can you give the gift of time? We are looking for volunteers to help hold, play, and rock infants to preschool children in the nursery. Please prayerfully consider helping out in the nursery during the following times.

¨  Monday evenings 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

¨  Wednesday evenings 6:00 to 8:00 p.m..

¨  Thursday evenings 6:00 to 8:00 p.m..

¨  Christmas Eve Services for 6:00, 7:15, and 8:00 p.m.

If you can help during any of these times, contact Carol in the Children's Ministry office at 268-5549, ext. 20 as soon as possible.


Monday, October 1, 2007

October News

Kids Praise and Worship

We are very excited to start back up our Praise and Worship Service, just for kids. So, mark the first Sunday of every month when children will have the opportunity to sing, dance, and praise God in various ways. All children in 1 st – 5th grade are encouraged to come to our new KIDS G.I.G. tree house (formally known as the annex) on Sunday, October 7, from 9:45-10:45 a.m. Pastor Missy will join us and share the Sacrament of Communion. Please call the Children's Ministry office if you can volunteer to help at this event. We look forward to seeing all of our children during this amazing time!

Kids are Giving God Room To Grow

We as a church are giving God room to grow and so are our children. God calls even young children to do BIG things for His church. We are excited about a new building and we want to make sure to include our children. We encourage all of our MUMC kids to get involved in the following ways.

«  Kids can PRAY too!

Children learn about their faith in God by "doing" their faith for God. Elementary children Kindergarten to 5 th grade are encouraged to wear a special prayer bracelet for 40 days, beginning on October 1. If your child is in kindergarten – 5 th grade and has not received a prayer bracelet, please contact the Children's Ministry office at 268-5549, ext. 20.

«  Poster Contest

Children are invited to enter the MUMC KIDS G.I.G. Poster Contest. Children are to construct a poster (size 11" x 17"- horizontally or vertically) that depicts our theme: "Giving God Room To Grow."   There will be 4 age divisions: Preschoolers; Kindergarten and Grade 1; Grades 2 and 3; Grades 4 and 5.  Prizes will be awarded to first, second, and third place for each division. All participants will receive a special gift for their stewardship in talent and time . Your child's poster needs to be turned into the Children's Ministry office by Wednesday, October 24. Winners will be announced on Sunday, October 28.  Come on MUMC kids, get creative and have fun! Please contact the Children's Ministry office if you have any questions.

KIDS G.I.G. Tree House!

Come check out the new KIDS G.I.G. Tree House, formally known as the annex. The Tree House is a fun environment in which children can participate in large group activities and hang out with their friends. We invite all ages to come by anytime on Sunday morning, October 14, for a special "open house."  You can enjoy some refreshments and see the fantastic job that Debbie Scarbroough, Jodi Hunter, and Robbin Tungett did in order to turn the annex into a fun place for children. We can't thank them enough for their God given artistic talents.

Live B.I.G. at 11:00

We are looking for adults who want to live out their Belief In God and share their excitement for the Lord with children. We need volunteers who can teach children, 3 year olds – 2 nd grade. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing a child smile. So come on, give the Children's Ministry office a call, and answer the call to serve at this time.

Operation Christmas Child

Attention parents of 2 year olds to 5th graders. We encourage your child to turn in a filled shoebox for Operation Christmas Child to their Sunday Small Group Classroom by November 11.  The class who receives the most completed shoeboxes will be treated to a special breakfast on November 18. If you have any questions, please contact your child's Sunday small group teacher or the Children's Ministry office.  

Friday, August 24, 2007

Meet our new Children's Ministry Director

Suzanne Vierling started in August as our new Children’s Ministry Director. Suzanne previously worked at Mandarin in 2002 and 2003 as the Contributions and Membership Secretary. Most recently she was at Avondale United Methodist Church for four years where she started and led their Children’s Ministry. Married to husband Jack for eleven years, they have been members at MUMC for almost nine years. Jack continues to work at CSX and loves being part of the railroad. They have been blessed with two beautiful children, Jacob who is four and Mara who just turned two. Jacob and Mara will be attending our Learning Ladders preschool this fall. Suzanne and Jack both said, “We are so happy to be back home with our church family.” And we’re delighted to have them back!

Our Children’s Ministry has a new name!

. . . KIDS G.I.G. You may be wondering what this means. At MUMC we are committed to help our children Grow In God. Your child can get involved within the church and Grow In God by participating in a variety of activities. Come check us out and ask “How can I be a part of Kids G.I.G.?"

Parents and Guardians, please make sure to fill out a 2007-2008 registration sheet and survey for the upcoming year. It is very important to update information for Children’s Ministry records. You will find this form in the church office, children’s small group classrooms, and children’s ministry office. Please return the form as soon as possible to the Children’s Ministry office.

Calling all three year olds to 2nd graders to Live B.I.G. on Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. Children are invited to leave the worship service after the children’s sermon in order to learn about their Belief In God. Parents can pick up their children in the Annex after the worship service.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Kids G.I.G. Registration Form

You can download and print the Kids G.I.G. Registration Form here to complete and turn in.
Click here to view and print.

Promotion Sunday, August 26

It’s almost time to kick off the new school year and that means new Sunday School classes, too! Kids, come to your new class on August 26 at 9:45 a.m. and stay for some fun out on the playground after class. Parents, we need your help, any time between 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., with some of the fun activities out on the playground. Please call Suzanne, Anne or Angie.

Also, kids and adults, be ready for our annual Sunday School class pictures taken by Church Photographer, Bill Webster!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sunday School Teachers Needed

Please prayerfully consider working with our pre-school/elementary school children for the 2007-2008 school year. We need teachers and helpers in the 2's through 5th grade. You would not only be a blessing to our children, but youw ould be many times belseed in return. Call Anne or Angie for additional information.

Donkey Tails Musical

Sunday, July 22
11:00 a.m. service

Come witness what Sandy, her music team and a group of 60 kids can do in one week!

Promotion Sunday

August 29

Mark this date on your calendar and then watch the bulletins and newsletter for the fun that's coming for the kids!

Acolyte Training

August 19
12:15 - 2:00 p.m.

If you are a current acolyte or are in the 3rd through 5th grade and would like to become an acolyte, meet in the Sanctuary at 12:15 p.m. on August 19 for training. Lunch will be provided.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Warren W. Willis Camp


The children going to Warren Willis Camp need to be here Monday, June 25, @ 10:30 a.m. for load up and departure. There are multiple forms that need to be completed and turned in by June 21st. If you don't have them already, please see Anne or Angie.

The children will need money to place in a spending account and money for lunch during the transportation down to WWWSC.

We are getting excited!
Anne & Angie

Music Camp Prop Help Needed

We need your help. If you would like to help with Music Camp decorations and props, please see Anne or Angie.

Thank you... thank you... thank you!

We couldn't have done it without you. From making decorations, to crew leaders, to drama and activity coordinators. We had over a hundred volunteers. You made Avalanche Ranch a huge success!

VBS Photos

CLICK HERE to view, download or order photoPs

Monday, May 21, 2007

Music Camp Registration

Music Camp registration started May 20th and we are already half full. Music Camp will July 16th to 20th and is limited to sixty children in rising 2nd to rising 6th grade. The fee is $40.00. If you are interested in having your child take part, come to the church office and fill out an application.

Summer Sunday School Help Needed

We had some amazing teachers this year. We want to show them how much we appreciated all the time and energy they’ve put into our children over the past 10 months so we’re giving them the summer off. We need all parents to help us this summer.

Please sign up to help out in your children’s classes just one time per month from May 27 to August 19. Look for the tables by your child’s class.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Thank you to everyone who helped make our Community Easter Egg Hunt a huge success from all who donated candy, plastic eggs and helped stuff them to those who helped plan and carry out all the events on Saturday...

We couldn't have done it without each and every one of you!

Family Fun Night

Mark your calendars for Family Fun Nite on May 9. This is a night to come and have fun as a family. There will be an outdoor dinner of hotdogs, chips, cookies, drinks plus lots of games and bouncy rooms for the kids to enjoy. Following dinner, our Wednesday night Common Ground service will be held outside. Bring your folding chairs. Invite a neighbor or friend.

Children's Photo Policy

At Mandarin United Methodist Church (MUMC) we are committed to providing a safe environment for our children. As part of sharing with the community, we frequently post pictures from our various events on our website. When doing so, we never post the last names of any child. However, if you wish to exclude your child from any MUMC pictures that may be posted on the website, please notify our main office in writing so that we can ensure exclusion from these postings. If you have any questions, please contact the main office at 268-5549.

Vacation Bible School Registration

VBS registration for church members is still going on. Please get a registration form from Angie or Anne.

Registration for Learning Ladders children opens April 9, and registration for the community will open April 23.

VBS is the week of June 11-15 from 9:00 a.m. til noon. The cost is $15 per child.

Attention all VBS Station Leaders

On April 21, St Paul United Methodist Church will be doing a training class that will help us with our summer VBS. Please mark your calendars and let Angie or Anne know if you are able to attend.

Kids Praise and Worship

Kids praise and worship will be moving upstairs to the last room on the left the first Sunday of May. Watch the bulletins and newsletter for additional information.