Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Thank you to everyone who helped make our Community Easter Egg Hunt a huge success from all who donated candy, plastic eggs and helped stuff them to those who helped plan and carry out all the events on Saturday...

We couldn't have done it without each and every one of you!

Family Fun Night

Mark your calendars for Family Fun Nite on May 9. This is a night to come and have fun as a family. There will be an outdoor dinner of hotdogs, chips, cookies, drinks plus lots of games and bouncy rooms for the kids to enjoy. Following dinner, our Wednesday night Common Ground service will be held outside. Bring your folding chairs. Invite a neighbor or friend.

Children's Photo Policy

At Mandarin United Methodist Church (MUMC) we are committed to providing a safe environment for our children. As part of sharing with the community, we frequently post pictures from our various events on our website. When doing so, we never post the last names of any child. However, if you wish to exclude your child from any MUMC pictures that may be posted on the website, please notify our main office in writing so that we can ensure exclusion from these postings. If you have any questions, please contact the main office at 268-5549.

Vacation Bible School Registration

VBS registration for church members is still going on. Please get a registration form from Angie or Anne.

Registration for Learning Ladders children opens April 9, and registration for the community will open April 23.

VBS is the week of June 11-15 from 9:00 a.m. til noon. The cost is $15 per child.

Attention all VBS Station Leaders

On April 21, St Paul United Methodist Church will be doing a training class that will help us with our summer VBS. Please mark your calendars and let Angie or Anne know if you are able to attend.

Kids Praise and Worship

Kids praise and worship will be moving upstairs to the last room on the left the first Sunday of May. Watch the bulletins and newsletter for additional information.