Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Warren W. Willis Camp


The children going to Warren Willis Camp need to be here Monday, June 25, @ 10:30 a.m. for load up and departure. There are multiple forms that need to be completed and turned in by June 21st. If you don't have them already, please see Anne or Angie.

The children will need money to place in a spending account and money for lunch during the transportation down to WWWSC.

We are getting excited!
Anne & Angie

Music Camp Prop Help Needed

We need your help. If you would like to help with Music Camp decorations and props, please see Anne or Angie.

Thank you... thank you... thank you!

We couldn't have done it without you. From making decorations, to crew leaders, to drama and activity coordinators. We had over a hundred volunteers. You made Avalanche Ranch a huge success!

VBS Photos


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