Thursday, January 31, 2008

February News

“Soup”er Sunday
We invite all children in 1st to 5th grade to a fun Kids Praise and Worship Service on Sunday, February 8 at 9:45 in the Tree House. Bring a can of soup with you! It is Super Bowl Sunday and we will be collecting cans of soup for the Mandarin Food Bank. Come find out why it’s cool to be on “God’s Team.” We will also have a wonderful opportunity to have communion together. Please contact the Children’s Ministry office if you have any questions.

Ash Wednesday
KIDS G.I.G. will have special activities on Wednesday evening, February 6. Sign-in will begin at 6:15 p.m. All preschoolers will have hands on activities tailored just for them in the preschool classrooms. Elementary (kindergarten – 5th grade) will meet in the Tree House where they will have fun activities from 6:15 to 7:00 p.m. Then we will have our very own Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. We look forward to seeing all of our children during this special time.

Adults . . . Check Out VBS!
It’s time to “Power Up” the excitement for Vacation Bible School. Make sure to come by the KIDS G.I.G. Tree House anytime on Sunday morning, February 24, in order to get a sneak preview of the hottest VBS yet! You will also want to guess how many fire balls (candies) are in the large jar. The winner will be announced at our “Power Lab party” on Sunday, March 30th at 4:30 p.m. We need all youth and adults who can help with support “behind the scenes” and help during the week of June 16 – 20 for Vacation Bible School. VBS is a huge success because of wonderful volunteers. Come check it out and see how YOU can get involved with this exciting outreach opportunity!

Did you know…

Ninety percent of what we learn, we learn as children. Wouldn’t it be fun to see God through the eyes of a child? There are no qualifications necessary except for having a heart to love God and a desire to work with children. We will equip you with all of the resources and materials that you will need. Take a leap, become a part of the KIDS G.I.G. team, and please consider sharing God’s love by helping in the following ways:

  • Co-teachers for 11 a.m. Sunday KIDS G.I.G.
  • Junior Leaders (4th to 8th graders) for l1:00 a.m. Sunday KIDS G.I.G.
  • Co-leaders for a Sunday small group during the summer
  • Volunteers for Ash Wednesday children’s activities

Interested? Call the Children’s Ministry office and ask how you can make a difference in a child’s life.

Methodist Summer Camp
Get ready all rising 4th graders and older for the Leesburg Methodist Summer Camp on July 21 to 26th. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to experience an entire week of Christian unity among friends. Register your child online at Please contact the children’s ministry office if you have any questions.

Summer Small Groups
Our Sunday small group teachers will be taking a much deserved break for the summer (June 1 to August 17) . We are looking for adults who love God and can share that love with our children during the summer. We encourage you to come by the table outside the sanctuary on Sunday mornings this month. We will be available between worship services so that you can ask questions, check out the fun, easy to use curriculum, and sign up to help out for a Sunday morning from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. in the summer. Prayerfully consider how you can make a HUGE impact by donating a small amount of your time this summer. You never know, YOU may even be touched by God through a child.

Has your elementary child received their very own Lenten Devotional Book and Gift? It will be given out on Ash Wednesday and February 10th. Call the children's ministry office at 268-5549 X120 if you have any questions.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January News

Children’s Council.
Please plan to attend an important meeting on Saturday, January 12 at 5:00 p.m. We will meet to discuss upcoming children’s events. We welcome your input and new ideas. Please contact the Children’s Ministry office by Sunday, January 6, if you cannot attend. Childcare will be provided (if needed).

Junior Leaders.
Children’s Ministry is looking for dependable 4th to 8th graders who are willing to be a part of a team of mentors for our younger children during the 11:00 a.m. Sunday KIDS G.I.G. This will give your child the chance to demonstrate God’s love, develop leadership skills, and serve their church. Applications are available at the children’s information booth on Sunday mornings and the Children’s Ministry office. Please contact the Children’s Ministry office at 268-5549 ext. 20 if you have any questions.

Co-teachers Needed!
Our 11:00 a.m. Sunday KIDS G.I.G. is up and running in the Tree House. We are having a great time living out our Belief In God with our 3 year olds – 2nd graders. We are looking for adults who are willing to co-teach during this time. Please contact the Children’s Ministry office if you are interested and/or would like to find out more about the Live B.I.G. curriculum. This is an exciting and rewarding opportunity to work with our young children.

Acolyte Appreciation.
Our Kids Praise and Worship Service is Sunday, January 6, at 9:45 a.m. This is a time when our 1st through 5th graders come together in the Tree House in order to praise God through music, Bible scripture, and group activities. This month we will have a special recognition for our Acolytes. All acolytes are encouraged to attend so that they can receive a certificate and small gift for their service. We look forward to celebrating together with all of our elementary children.

Children Serving Children.
Children who attended the Birthday party for Jesus last month supported the I.M. Sulzbacher Center by bringing a gift of new undergarments and/or gently used jackets for children in need. The gifts were appreciated and we demonstrated that kids can make a difference! Way to go!

Looking Ahead to the 2008 calendar:
Friday, April 18 ........Father/Child Camp Out
June 16 – 20 ...........Vacation Bible School
June 20 ..................Vacation Bible School Celebration
July 14-18 ..............Music Camp
Sunday, July 20 .......Children’s Musical (11:00 a.m. service)
July 21-26 ..............Leesburg Summer Camp
(Rising 4th and up)

Suzanne Vierling, Angie Engelthaler and Anne Griswold, Children's Ministry