Thursday, February 28, 2008

March News

Preschool – 2nd grade families are invited to join the families of Learning Ladders Preschool for an old fashioned Huck Finn Spring Fling on Tuesday, March 11, from 5:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Dinner will be provided (fried chicken with all of the "fixings"). Each family is encouraged to bring a desert (enough for 8-10 people).  This will be a wonderful opportunity for fun games and fellowship. Call the church office by Friday, March 7, to reserve a spot for your family. If you have any questions, please contact the Children's Ministry office at extension 120.

It's the time of year to think about warm summers and a hot VBS! VBS registration for MUMC families and Learning Ladders Preschool begins March 30.  Make sure to stop by the gazebo to sign up your child anytime on Sunday morning. Registration forms will also be available in the front office and the Children's Ministry office during business hours.

Attention all youth and adults who can help with "behind the scenes" activities and during the week of June 16 to the 20 for Vacation Bible School. We will have a Power Lab Party on Sunday, March 30, at 4:30 p.m.  There is a lot of work that needs to be done and we need YOU to come check out how YOU can opportunity. Help us make this summer's VBS a huge success! Please call the Children's Ministry office if you have any questions and/or can come to the party.

We are looking for volunteers who can live inside out this summer by sharing your time as a Sunday small group leader and connecting kids to Jesus. You will have the opportunity to make a difference in such a short amount of time while helping children live out faithful lives 24/7. Please come by the Children's Ministry Welcome Center on Sunday mornings to sign up for the dates YOU can help out or call the Children's Ministry office.

Summer camp sign ups are underway for rising 4th graders and older.  MUMC children will be attending the week of July 21st – 26th.  Parents are encouraged to register your child online at  Please contact the Children's Ministry office if you have any questions.