Tuesday, July 29, 2008

VBS & Music Camp Photos are Online


Music Camp
We had a wonderful time with over 75 children, youth and adults working hard for a week on Hans Bronson’s Gold Medal Mission. They rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed until it was perfect. During all that rehearsal they even had time to serve others by bringing in umbrellas and ponchos as a mission project for the Sulzbacher Center. Their hard work paid off on July 20th with a wonderful performance. Great job to all!

Warren Willis Summer Camp
What a week! All 32 children, youth and adults had a great time in Leesburg. They were able to do many different activities including swimming, crafts, work on a challenging ropes and obstacle course, and make new friendships. Best of all, they all came back with a deeper love and understanding of how great God’s presence is in our lives. Thank you MUMC for your support and your prayers. Can’t wait till next year!

Christmas in July
On July 20 we had a special Kid’s Praise and Worship service at KIDS G.I.G. for K-5th grade. Our wonderful children worked on serving others. They collected an amazing number of ponchos and umbrellas for less fortunate children and families at the Sulzbacher Center. We are very proud of how well the children understood the importance of reaching out to those in need. Great job!

Mark Your Calendars

  • August 10–Teacher Training 11:00 a.m.
    All KIDS G.I.G. small group teachers are encouraged to attend an informative meeting about the new Sunday school year in the Tree House. Childcare will be provided. We are looking forward to kicking off a wonderful year.
  • August 17 – Back to School Special at 9:45 – 10:45
    All children will go to the same class as they have done all summer, but will be reminded of how important it is to be equipped with God when they head back to school. Each child will receive a special gift to help them get ready. Make sure you are there.
  • August 24 - Promotion Sunday Pot Luck Lunch
    Promotion Sunday is a special day for us as a church because all of our children will be moving up to their new small group classes at 9:45-10:45 a.m. Children who are 2 as of 9/1/08 are encouraged to attend their small group in the new Genesis Building. We are beginning an exciting new curriculum in which all children ages 2 – 5th grade will learn how to weave faith into their daily lives.

    We will have a Pot Luck Lunch beginning at noon in our KIDS G.I.G. Tree House in order to celebrate the excitement of our families returning to church from their summer vacations and getting reconnected with friends. Please sign up through Lea Anne in the front office at 268-5549. We are asking families to help provide delicious food and Children’s Ministry will provide drinks/paper products. Families with the last name ending in:

A-J (fried chicken)
K-S (veggie or side dish)
T-Z (Dessert)

  • Please note: Traditional group pictures for the children’s small group classes will be taken on September 7.
  • August 24 - KIDS G.I.G. at 11:00 a.m.
    All children 3 years old (as of 9/1/08) to 2nd grade will have their very own Kids Worship in the KIDS G.I.G. Tree House. We will move children who attend small group to the 11:00 a.m. program. Please make sure your child is given a wristband upon check-in at 9:45 a.m. We encourage all of our 3rd to 5th graders to attend traditional or Collision worship service with their parents.
  • August 31 – Acolyte Training 12:15 - 2:00 p.m.
    This is an important meeting for all 4th and 5th grade new and experienced acolytes and their parents. Parents, please bring your calendars. Training will begin in the sanctuary immediately following the 11:00 a.m. service. Lunch will be provided. Call the main office at 268-5549 to confirm your attendance so we can plan the food and materials appropriately. For further information, contact Stacy Fiedler at jfiedler904 @ msn.com.