Thursday, September 10, 2009

September 2009

Sunday Morning
Childcare Provided During Worship From 8:15 to Noon
Age: Birth – 3 years

Our teachers and volunteers provide Christian love as they help children recognize that the church is a safe place where they experience unconditional love and enjoy happy times with their friends. Babies and children receive quality care in our new state of the art Genesis Childcare Center. Our workers receive specialized training and for your child’s safety, have been screened according to the Child/Youth Protection Policy. Childcare Coordinator: Carol Shelton (268-5549, ext. 146)

Helpers for our childcare center

To be a team leader once a month
To volunteer one Sunday a month at 8:30, 9:45, or 11:00 a.m. caring for the children
New for Kids G.I.G. on Sunday Mornings !!

We will continue Kids G.I.G class at 11:00 a.m. and will add a class at 8:30 a.m. starting August 30 in Sexton 110 (Please notice different room). This large group class is for children 3 years old (as of 9/1/09) through 2nd grade. 8:30 Kids G.I.G children will be picked up from the sanctuary After the Children’s Sermon/Gloria Patri.

11:00 Kids G.I.G. Children can begin for your child many different ways: Children attending 9:45 Small Group Class, with an orange wristband on, will be taken to Kids G.I.G. by their teachers. Children just arriving can be signed in at Sexton #110. Children in the Traditional Service in the sanctuary will be picked up after the Children’s Sermon/Gloria Patri. Older children may sign up to help as Junior Leaders. Contact Anne Griswold for more information on becoming a Junior Leader.

Choir, Dance, Homework Help and Kids Combo

Everything starts back up on September 9 for the kids. We will offer a combo class for preschoolers and elementary age children while parents are in their adult classes. If your child participates in Dance, Homework Help and Combos, but you would like to take a class, we can help. Sign them up in Wesley Hall before dinner, enjoy dinner as a family, and then send them to us just before the worship service. After the service we will check them in and out of their activities so you can attend an adult study. If you have any questions, please see Anne or Angie.

Small Group Class Pictures

All classes will participate in group pictures on Sunday, September 13, during their 9:45 class.

Child/Youth Training

All adults working with youth or children are required to take this class annually. The Child/Youth Training class will be offered Wednesday nights at 6:30 on September 9, 16, 23 and 30 for all volunteers who were not able to attend the August 23 class. Please sign up with Lea Ann ( the main office, Nicole or Angie.

2nd Grade Bible Presentation

We are very happy to announce that 2nd graders will receive their Bibles September 27 during the 11:00 Traditional Worship Service. Please make sure you have completed or updated the registration form with their 2nd grade small group leaders. RSVP is necessary for the presentation. We ask that you let us know if you will, or even if you will not, be present. We will have a rehearsal on Sunday, September 13. Details will go home August 30.

Children’s Council Meeting - September 27 at 4:00 p.m.

The summer is over and it is time to regroup and discuss upcoming events and issues. We will have another “Eat & Meet.” Please RSVP on attendance, and if child care is needed.