Thursday, December 11, 2008

December News

We have started an Acolyte Guild Program to ‘Recognize and Reward’ our Acolytes at MUMC for their faithful service. On November 2nd we had our first Breakfast for the Acolytes. Thank you to all who attended. We look forward to seeing this group grow over the next few months. Our next breakfast will be our "Christmas Breakfast” on December 7 at 10:00 a.m. in the Tree House. Parents, please sign up for food items through Mrs. Fiedler or Mrs Sczcepanick. Congratulations to Kevin Presser, our first reward recipient. Kevin has served as an Acolyte five times since September 1. We will have another breakfast the first Sunday of January.

Welcome to Worship is a five week study to cover Seasons, Symbols, Service and Sacraments for our third graders. Congratulations to the eleven children who completed this study and were recognized on November 23 for their completion of this class: Nick Thieman, Matthew Sommers, Samuel Rogers, Jason Painter, Grace Rogers, Alexandria Sheldon, Ashley Vrtikapa, Tyler Jefferson, Gavin Miles, Derek Langley, and Juliet Gay.

Volunteers are still needed for Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. and Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Please consider helping just once every two months. Please call Angie or Anne at 268-5549, or email us at or

Young Families (previously called Families of Preschoolers). Moms, Dads and children of all ages have met a few times and had wonderful fun. They visited local playgrounds and parks where the children played and the adults were able to fellowship. If you would like more information or dates, please contact Andrea Wheeler at 230-6673 or

Wednesday Nights Kids Combo has been lots of fun. Children come for choir classes. Families are able to enjoy dinner together and a Pastor lead devotion. We then separate with adults going to their Adult Bible Study and the children going to each of their activities. A Children’s Ministry Representative safely moves the children to and from dance classes, Homework Help, and Kids GIG.

Choir Classes:
Kings Kids for 1st to 5th grade in the Choir Room from 5:15-5:45 p.m.
Cherub Choir for 3 years to Kindergarten in room 306 from 5:15-6:00 p.m.

Sacred Dance Classes: (in choir room)
Beginning for Kindergarten to 2nd grade from 6:15-7:00 p.m.
Junior for 3rd to 5th grade from 7:00-7:45 p.m.
Intermediate for 6th to 8th grade from 7:45-8:30 p.m.
Advanced for 9th and up from 8:30-9:15 p.m.

Homework Help: 6:30-8:30 p.m. for 1st to 6th grade

Kids GIG: 6:30-8:00 p.m.3 to 5 years old have “Hands On” learningKindergarten to 5th grade learn about God’s love and “What’s Bugging You.”

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Acolytes - You are invited to our first "Breakfast Club" on November 2 at 10:00 a.m. Imagine a warm, home cooked breakfast prepared just for you. Very important information will be shared at this breakfast. This is the start of our new "Acolyte Guild." For more details, talk to Mrs. Fiedler, Mrs. Szczepanik or Mrs. Griswold.

Welcome to Worship is ongoing and preparing our children to worship. They are having fun as they learn about what it means to worship. The children attending this fall will be recognized November 16 during the 11:00 service in the Sanctuary. Following the Welcome to Worship class, the third graders are invited to attend an Acolyte Training just for them as they continue their journey of faith.

Third grade Acolyte Training will be November 23 from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Parents are encouraged to attend the training as well. Parents are an important part of helping teach the importance of developing children with servant hearts. Parents also help build the confidence in our children.

Are you interested in getting together with other young families during the week and/or on the weekends? Please contact Andrea Wheeler 230-6673 or We are making plans for upcoming months.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Warren Willis Summer Camp Info

August 17 was an hour of reflection and awareness of the adventure our campers from rising 4th to 12th grade experienced at Warren W. Willis Summer Camp. If you were unable to come to the meeting, we have a copy of the pictures taken during our stay at Warren Willis Summer Camp. You can also visit their website at Next year’s registration will start in February. In January start looking for the dates our church will be attending. Call Angie or Anne.

What if?

Our theme is “What if?” What if you gave one hour a month as a servant of God by rocking a baby in the infant room? What if you taught a small group lesson to a two or three year old? What if you are afraid to take that step? We would love to talk to you. Call Anne, Angie or Carol.

Back to School

Our children are back in their routine of Sunday School and Academic School. We have helped to equip them with backpacks and Bibles (2nd grade and up). We would love your help in reminding each of them to bring their backpacks and Bibles every Sunday.

Promotion Sunday

Promotion Sunday was a special day for us as a church. We were able to fellowship together. We are beginning an exciting new curriculum in which all children ages 2 – 5th grade will learn how to weave faith into their daily lives. The Genesis Sunday School Class is also using the same curriculum. The parents in that class will be studying the same Scriptures. Parents will have the opportunity to share and confirm the Word with their children (family small group).

Pot Luck Lunch

Children’s Ministry (nursery through 5th grade) Pot Luck Lunch was rescheduled due to Hurricane Fay. The new date is September 7 at 12:30 p.m.

Children’s Small Group Pictures

September 7th will be the day your child(ren)’s small group picture will be taken. Dress in your Sunday best.

KIDS G.I.G. at 11:00 a.m.

All children 3 years old as of September 1, 2008 to 2nd grade will have their very own Kids Worship in the KIDS GIG tree house. Please make sure your child is given a wristband upon check-in at 9:45 a.m. and we will transfer them to the 11:00 a.m. program. We encourage all of our 3rd- 5th graders to attend traditional or Collision worship service with their parents. We will still be utilizing our Junior Leaders as helpers. Sign up for one Sunday a month through Anne and Angie.

Acolyte Training

Our Acolytes have just completed their training and have made a commitment to serve God and our church. This is scary for some of our new Acolytes. If you see an Acolyte, thank them or tell them what great job they have done. Our church is nurturing our future servants of Christ. Stacy Fiedler is the Acolyte Coordinator. If your child is in the 4th or 5th grade and would like to be an Acolyte, Stacy would love to hear from you. We will be training the 3rd graders mid year so they can start serving as an Acolyte at that point.

Bible Presentation

Children in 2nd grade will be receiving a Bible on September 21 at 9:45 am. If your child is in the 2nd grade, please call the main office to reserve a Bible and let us know if you plan on attending the service.

Wednesday Night
  • Cherub Choir (ages 3 - Kindergarten) meets from 5:15 to 6:00 p.m. in room 306 in the Bence Wing through May.
  • King’s Kids (1st - 5th grade) meet from 5:15 - 6:00 p.m. in the choir room through May.
  • Beginning Sacred Dance (Kindergarten - 2nd grade) meets from 6:15 to 7:00 p.m. in the choir room through May
  • Junior Sacred Dance (3rd - 6th grade) meets from 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. in the choir room through May.
  • Homework Help for first through sixth grade meets every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. for tutoring and homework assistance in the Sexton Building. Contact: Chris Buckley (268-8551)
  • “Lil’ Kid’s GIG” (Birth through PreK) meets from 6:30-7:45 p.m. in the new Childcare Facility (nursery).
  • Kid’s GIG (Kindergarten through 5th grade) meets from 6:30-7:45 p.m. in the Kid’s GIG Treehouse (Annex). There will be story telling, crafts, skits, puppetry, team building activities and much more.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pot Luck Dinner Postponed!

Due to Tropical Storm Fay, the Pot Luck dinner scheduled for August 24 th has been postponed until September 7th.

We will have a Pot Luck Lunch beginning at noon in our KIDS G.I.G. Tree House in order to celebrate the excitement of our families returning to church from their summer vacations and getting reconnected with friends. Please sign up through Lea Ann in the front office at 268-5549.

We are asking families to help provide delicious food and Children’s Ministry will provide drinks/paper products.

Families with the last name ending in:
A-J (fried chicken)
K-S (veggie or side dish)
T-Z (Dessert)

We hope to see you there!
Angie & Anne

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

VBS & Music Camp Photos are Online


Music Camp
We had a wonderful time with over 75 children, youth and adults working hard for a week on Hans Bronson’s Gold Medal Mission. They rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed until it was perfect. During all that rehearsal they even had time to serve others by bringing in umbrellas and ponchos as a mission project for the Sulzbacher Center. Their hard work paid off on July 20th with a wonderful performance. Great job to all!

Warren Willis Summer Camp
What a week! All 32 children, youth and adults had a great time in Leesburg. They were able to do many different activities including swimming, crafts, work on a challenging ropes and obstacle course, and make new friendships. Best of all, they all came back with a deeper love and understanding of how great God’s presence is in our lives. Thank you MUMC for your support and your prayers. Can’t wait till next year!

Christmas in July
On July 20 we had a special Kid’s Praise and Worship service at KIDS G.I.G. for K-5th grade. Our wonderful children worked on serving others. They collected an amazing number of ponchos and umbrellas for less fortunate children and families at the Sulzbacher Center. We are very proud of how well the children understood the importance of reaching out to those in need. Great job!

Mark Your Calendars

  • August 10–Teacher Training 11:00 a.m.
    All KIDS G.I.G. small group teachers are encouraged to attend an informative meeting about the new Sunday school year in the Tree House. Childcare will be provided. We are looking forward to kicking off a wonderful year.
  • August 17 – Back to School Special at 9:45 – 10:45
    All children will go to the same class as they have done all summer, but will be reminded of how important it is to be equipped with God when they head back to school. Each child will receive a special gift to help them get ready. Make sure you are there.
  • August 24 - Promotion Sunday Pot Luck Lunch
    Promotion Sunday is a special day for us as a church because all of our children will be moving up to their new small group classes at 9:45-10:45 a.m. Children who are 2 as of 9/1/08 are encouraged to attend their small group in the new Genesis Building. We are beginning an exciting new curriculum in which all children ages 2 – 5th grade will learn how to weave faith into their daily lives.

    We will have a Pot Luck Lunch beginning at noon in our KIDS G.I.G. Tree House in order to celebrate the excitement of our families returning to church from their summer vacations and getting reconnected with friends. Please sign up through Lea Anne in the front office at 268-5549. We are asking families to help provide delicious food and Children’s Ministry will provide drinks/paper products. Families with the last name ending in:

A-J (fried chicken)
K-S (veggie or side dish)
T-Z (Dessert)

  • Please note: Traditional group pictures for the children’s small group classes will be taken on September 7.
  • August 24 - KIDS G.I.G. at 11:00 a.m.
    All children 3 years old (as of 9/1/08) to 2nd grade will have their very own Kids Worship in the KIDS G.I.G. Tree House. We will move children who attend small group to the 11:00 a.m. program. Please make sure your child is given a wristband upon check-in at 9:45 a.m. We encourage all of our 3rd to 5th graders to attend traditional or Collision worship service with their parents.
  • August 31 – Acolyte Training 12:15 - 2:00 p.m.
    This is an important meeting for all 4th and 5th grade new and experienced acolytes and their parents. Parents, please bring your calendars. Training will begin in the sanctuary immediately following the 11:00 a.m. service. Lunch will be provided. Call the main office at 268-5549 to confirm your attendance so we can plan the food and materials appropriately. For further information, contact Stacy Fiedler at jfiedler904 @

Monday, June 2, 2008


KIDS G.I.G. Summer Program

Have fun in the "son" this summer on Sunday mornings! All children who are currently in the 2 year old – 5th grade Sunday small group classes are encouraged to join us at 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. from June 1st – August 17th for an exciting program called KIDMO!

June Themes

Preschoolers – God Is Everywhere!  Children will meet a lovable character, Lil'K.  Kids will search for clues from letters, colors, shapes, numbers, and God's own words in order to discover that God is always with them.  Please bring your child from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. (those currently in 2 year old – 4 year old Sunday small groups) to room 104 in the Learning Ladders wing.

Elementary  - I Am!  Let's make a splash into God's ever flowing love!  Kids will meet Johnny Rogers and his pal Benny. These characters will take us on a fantastic adventure to Niagara Falls where we will discover that our amazing God is close, in control, faithful, a good Dad, and most of all, He is love. The most incredible thing of all is that we'll learn that even the power of these magnificent Falls pales in comparison to the awesome wonder that is our God!  Please bring your child from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. (those currently in Kindergarten – 5th grade Sunday small groups) to the KIDS G.I.G. tree house.  We look forward to spending time with your child this summer.

We need adult volunteers to help oversee KIDMO activities. Please contact the Children's Ministry office.

Monday, April 28, 2008

May News


We are bubbling over with excitement as we plan to turn the sanctuary and various church rooms into a giant science laboratory during the week of June 16 – 20. It’s not too late to join the team of workers. Volunteers of all ages are needed for this event to be a huge success. Please prayerfully consider helping out in one or more of the following ways:

  • Getting ready for registration
  • Design props – at home project
  • Prepare materials – at home project
  • Paint props (come as you can during the week of May 5th)
  • Decorate sanctuary and rooms – Sunday, June 15
  • Morning registration during the week
  • Crew Leaders - travel with a group of children to stations during the week
  • Power Lab Celebration- Friday, June 20, at 6:00 p.m.
  • Take Down Decorations—Immediately following Celebration
  • Praying for the Volunteers and Children involved with VBS

Please contact the Children’s Ministry office at 268-5549 ext. 120 to let us know how you want to get involved in sharing Jesus with so many eager children for this amazing week!


During Vacation Bible School, we are not only feeding children’s souls but also their stomachs! You can make a difference by donating a food item. There will be a science lab located outside of the sanctuary on May 25 and June 1. Make sure you grab a “beaker” in order to donate a particular snack. We appreciate your support.


Get ready kids to prepare a musical production complete with singing, acting, and dancing. Music camp is July 14 – 18 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. There will be a dress rehearsal on Saturday, July 19 at 9:00 a.m. and the performance will be during the 11:00 worship service on Sunday, July 20th. Children who are rising 2nd grade through rising 6th grade are invited to attend. Registration will begin on Sunday, May 18. Registration forms will be available at the Children’s Ministry Welcome Cart and the front office. The registration fee is $40 per child. Space is limited to 50 children, so register early!


Our Sunday small group teachers will be taking a much deserved break during the summer. We want to thank everyone for being a small group teacher and making a BIG difference by sharing God’s word to our young children. We appreciate your time and commitment all school year long! You are a treasure in the sand!


* Large Group Music Leaders (Preschool and Elementary) Summer Sunday mornings from 9:45 – 10:00 a.m.
* Small Group Leaders (Preschool or Elementary) Summer Sunday mornings from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
* Greeters on Sunday morning for Children’s Ministry Welcome Cart
* Vacation Bible School
* Kids Praise and Worship 1st Sunday of each month

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Vacation Bible School Registration

PowerLab VBS
June 16 - 20
Reserve Your Space NOW!
Sorry! Registration for Preschoolers is CLOSED. Waiting list only.
In order to secure your child’s registration, please submit a
$15.00 payment (per child) to the front office as soon as possible.
Spaces are limited!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008



Mark your calendars for Friday, April 18. All fathers, grandfathers, and their children will be camping out under the stars, giving moms a well deserved night off. Tent setup begins at 4:30 pm near the church picnic area. Dinner is served around 6:30 pm. Men volunteers are needed in order to organize activities for the evening. Please contact the church office to reserve your spot and sign up to bring a side dish (for 8 - 10 people) for dinner or to donate a food item. Please contact the Children's Ministry office if you need to borrow a tent or if you can help with evening activities.


Get charged and join the Children's Ministry team this summer. In house registration and Learning Ladders registration started with a bang last month. Registration for the community will begin on Sunday, April 20th. Be sure to sign up your child and invite your neighbors to come to the hottest VBS during the week of June 16.


Thank you for being a part of the "Spring Fling" that was held last month. It was a wonderful outreach to the families of our church and Learning Ladders Preschool. They were greeted by God's love through YOU. We appreciate all the volunteers and your time. You are all treasures in the sand!


We want to thank our small group teachers who give their time and commitment all year long by giving them the summer off. Help us show our appreciation for their hard work by volunteering your time. We are looking for adult and youth volunteers who are willing to live their faith Inside/Out by spending some time on Sunday mornings with our preschool and elementary children this summer. No experience is needed and materials are provided with little preparation. We need volunteers who are willing to pray with children and discuss the Bible lesson. Please support the Children's Ministry team by calling 268-5549 X120 and saying "yes" to a short term commitment that will have a long term impact.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Vacation Bible School - Registration Starting Soon!

Discover Jesus' Miraculous Power
at Vacation Bible School
June 16 - 20, 2008, 9 am - 12 pm
$15.00 per student

Check back here March 30th, to sign up your child or sign up to Volunteer.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

March News

Preschool – 2nd grade families are invited to join the families of Learning Ladders Preschool for an old fashioned Huck Finn Spring Fling on Tuesday, March 11, from 5:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Dinner will be provided (fried chicken with all of the "fixings"). Each family is encouraged to bring a desert (enough for 8-10 people).  This will be a wonderful opportunity for fun games and fellowship. Call the church office by Friday, March 7, to reserve a spot for your family. If you have any questions, please contact the Children's Ministry office at extension 120.

It's the time of year to think about warm summers and a hot VBS! VBS registration for MUMC families and Learning Ladders Preschool begins March 30.  Make sure to stop by the gazebo to sign up your child anytime on Sunday morning. Registration forms will also be available in the front office and the Children's Ministry office during business hours.

Attention all youth and adults who can help with "behind the scenes" activities and during the week of June 16 to the 20 for Vacation Bible School. We will have a Power Lab Party on Sunday, March 30, at 4:30 p.m.  There is a lot of work that needs to be done and we need YOU to come check out how YOU can opportunity. Help us make this summer's VBS a huge success! Please call the Children's Ministry office if you have any questions and/or can come to the party.

We are looking for volunteers who can live inside out this summer by sharing your time as a Sunday small group leader and connecting kids to Jesus. You will have the opportunity to make a difference in such a short amount of time while helping children live out faithful lives 24/7. Please come by the Children's Ministry Welcome Center on Sunday mornings to sign up for the dates YOU can help out or call the Children's Ministry office.

Summer camp sign ups are underway for rising 4th graders and older.  MUMC children will be attending the week of July 21st – 26th.  Parents are encouraged to register your child online at  Please contact the Children's Ministry office if you have any questions.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

February News

“Soup”er Sunday
We invite all children in 1st to 5th grade to a fun Kids Praise and Worship Service on Sunday, February 8 at 9:45 in the Tree House. Bring a can of soup with you! It is Super Bowl Sunday and we will be collecting cans of soup for the Mandarin Food Bank. Come find out why it’s cool to be on “God’s Team.” We will also have a wonderful opportunity to have communion together. Please contact the Children’s Ministry office if you have any questions.

Ash Wednesday
KIDS G.I.G. will have special activities on Wednesday evening, February 6. Sign-in will begin at 6:15 p.m. All preschoolers will have hands on activities tailored just for them in the preschool classrooms. Elementary (kindergarten – 5th grade) will meet in the Tree House where they will have fun activities from 6:15 to 7:00 p.m. Then we will have our very own Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. We look forward to seeing all of our children during this special time.

Adults . . . Check Out VBS!
It’s time to “Power Up” the excitement for Vacation Bible School. Make sure to come by the KIDS G.I.G. Tree House anytime on Sunday morning, February 24, in order to get a sneak preview of the hottest VBS yet! You will also want to guess how many fire balls (candies) are in the large jar. The winner will be announced at our “Power Lab party” on Sunday, March 30th at 4:30 p.m. We need all youth and adults who can help with support “behind the scenes” and help during the week of June 16 – 20 for Vacation Bible School. VBS is a huge success because of wonderful volunteers. Come check it out and see how YOU can get involved with this exciting outreach opportunity!

Did you know…

Ninety percent of what we learn, we learn as children. Wouldn’t it be fun to see God through the eyes of a child? There are no qualifications necessary except for having a heart to love God and a desire to work with children. We will equip you with all of the resources and materials that you will need. Take a leap, become a part of the KIDS G.I.G. team, and please consider sharing God’s love by helping in the following ways:

  • Co-teachers for 11 a.m. Sunday KIDS G.I.G.
  • Junior Leaders (4th to 8th graders) for l1:00 a.m. Sunday KIDS G.I.G.
  • Co-leaders for a Sunday small group during the summer
  • Volunteers for Ash Wednesday children’s activities

Interested? Call the Children’s Ministry office and ask how you can make a difference in a child’s life.

Methodist Summer Camp
Get ready all rising 4th graders and older for the Leesburg Methodist Summer Camp on July 21 to 26th. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to experience an entire week of Christian unity among friends. Register your child online at Please contact the children’s ministry office if you have any questions.

Summer Small Groups
Our Sunday small group teachers will be taking a much deserved break for the summer (June 1 to August 17) . We are looking for adults who love God and can share that love with our children during the summer. We encourage you to come by the table outside the sanctuary on Sunday mornings this month. We will be available between worship services so that you can ask questions, check out the fun, easy to use curriculum, and sign up to help out for a Sunday morning from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. in the summer. Prayerfully consider how you can make a HUGE impact by donating a small amount of your time this summer. You never know, YOU may even be touched by God through a child.

Has your elementary child received their very own Lenten Devotional Book and Gift? It will be given out on Ash Wednesday and February 10th. Call the children's ministry office at 268-5549 X120 if you have any questions.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January News

Children’s Council.
Please plan to attend an important meeting on Saturday, January 12 at 5:00 p.m. We will meet to discuss upcoming children’s events. We welcome your input and new ideas. Please contact the Children’s Ministry office by Sunday, January 6, if you cannot attend. Childcare will be provided (if needed).

Junior Leaders.
Children’s Ministry is looking for dependable 4th to 8th graders who are willing to be a part of a team of mentors for our younger children during the 11:00 a.m. Sunday KIDS G.I.G. This will give your child the chance to demonstrate God’s love, develop leadership skills, and serve their church. Applications are available at the children’s information booth on Sunday mornings and the Children’s Ministry office. Please contact the Children’s Ministry office at 268-5549 ext. 20 if you have any questions.

Co-teachers Needed!
Our 11:00 a.m. Sunday KIDS G.I.G. is up and running in the Tree House. We are having a great time living out our Belief In God with our 3 year olds – 2nd graders. We are looking for adults who are willing to co-teach during this time. Please contact the Children’s Ministry office if you are interested and/or would like to find out more about the Live B.I.G. curriculum. This is an exciting and rewarding opportunity to work with our young children.

Acolyte Appreciation.
Our Kids Praise and Worship Service is Sunday, January 6, at 9:45 a.m. This is a time when our 1st through 5th graders come together in the Tree House in order to praise God through music, Bible scripture, and group activities. This month we will have a special recognition for our Acolytes. All acolytes are encouraged to attend so that they can receive a certificate and small gift for their service. We look forward to celebrating together with all of our elementary children.

Children Serving Children.
Children who attended the Birthday party for Jesus last month supported the I.M. Sulzbacher Center by bringing a gift of new undergarments and/or gently used jackets for children in need. The gifts were appreciated and we demonstrated that kids can make a difference! Way to go!

Looking Ahead to the 2008 calendar:
Friday, April 18 ........Father/Child Camp Out
June 16 – 20 ...........Vacation Bible School
June 20 ..................Vacation Bible School Celebration
July 14-18 ..............Music Camp
Sunday, July 20 .......Children’s Musical (11:00 a.m. service)
July 21-26 ..............Leesburg Summer Camp
(Rising 4th and up)

Suzanne Vierling, Angie Engelthaler and Anne Griswold, Children's Ministry