Tuesday, April 1, 2008



Mark your calendars for Friday, April 18. All fathers, grandfathers, and their children will be camping out under the stars, giving moms a well deserved night off. Tent setup begins at 4:30 pm near the church picnic area. Dinner is served around 6:30 pm. Men volunteers are needed in order to organize activities for the evening. Please contact the church office to reserve your spot and sign up to bring a side dish (for 8 - 10 people) for dinner or to donate a food item. Please contact the Children's Ministry office if you need to borrow a tent or if you can help with evening activities.


Get charged and join the Children's Ministry team this summer. In house registration and Learning Ladders registration started with a bang last month. Registration for the community will begin on Sunday, April 20th. Be sure to sign up your child and invite your neighbors to come to the hottest VBS during the week of June 16.


Thank you for being a part of the "Spring Fling" that was held last month. It was a wonderful outreach to the families of our church and Learning Ladders Preschool. They were greeted by God's love through YOU. We appreciate all the volunteers and your time. You are all treasures in the sand!


We want to thank our small group teachers who give their time and commitment all year long by giving them the summer off. Help us show our appreciation for their hard work by volunteering your time. We are looking for adult and youth volunteers who are willing to live their faith Inside/Out by spending some time on Sunday mornings with our preschool and elementary children this summer. No experience is needed and materials are provided with little preparation. We need volunteers who are willing to pray with children and discuss the Bible lesson. Please support the Children's Ministry team by calling 268-5549 X120 and saying "yes" to a short term commitment that will have a long term impact.

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