Monday, November 30, 2009

December News

Happy Birthday Jesus Party
Wednesday, December 16
Watch the bulletins for information about this special event.

Children’s Service Christmas Eve
December 24, at 4:00 p.m.
All families are invited to attend this special service designed just for you. You will enjoy hearing the Cherub Choir and Kings Kids sing and watch the Beginning and Junior Sacred dancers perform. All groups will be expressing their joy for this special time of year. We will also enjoy a story read by Pastor Debbie.

Welcome to Worship Class Coming in January
We will be offering a Welcome to Worship class for all 3rd graders on Sundays, starting in January. This study will teach the children about the Seasons, Symbols and Sacraments of the church. The children will then be presented a certificate of completion during one of our Sunday morning services. We will contact each parent through their child’s Sunday morning classes. We will also offer this to children in 4th and 5th grades who did not have the opportunity to go through this class already.

Wednesday Night Combos
We will begin our next combo series on February 3rd. Our children’s classes are divided into two groups: Preschool class for children 3 and 4 years old as of 9/1/09 and Elementary class for children Kindergarten to 5th grade. Each Wednesday register your child in Wesley Hall for the classes or activities (homework help, dance or combo) they are to attend. After you enjoy worship music and devotion together as a family, we will announce for the children to go to their activities. You may then attend a class for adults. If you are not attending an adult study, help is always appreciated to get the children signed in and moved safely to classes. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Angie at 268-5549 ext 143.

Warren Willis Summer Camp
Rising 4th grade to rising 12th grade
We will be going to camp this summer on week #7, July 19-24.
Sign up has already begun through If you know you are going and want to sign up, please do. We will be meeting in January for our annual parent information meeting. If you are new to this camp and would like more information, please watch January’s newsletter for date of the meeting. You may also email me at

Children’s Ministries wants to wish all families of Mandarin United Methodist Church a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are very blessed to have so many wonderful families that help keep our ministry running strong. We look forward to another year full of surprises and fun events.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Family Campout - Friday November 20th

After many requests, we have worked into the church's calendar this wonderful time when families can fellowship together. The atmosphere will be like a Thanksgiving Feast. Each family will be asked to bring a covered dish ... turkey and ham will be provided by the church. (Tent setup begins at 4:00 pm) If you don't want to spend the night in a tent, please come and join us for the feast and fellowship at 6:00.

A pancake breakfast will be served Saturday morning.

Sign up online here to reserve your space and let us know what you'll be bringing.

We hope to see you there!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

September 2009

Sunday Morning
Childcare Provided During Worship From 8:15 to Noon
Age: Birth – 3 years

Our teachers and volunteers provide Christian love as they help children recognize that the church is a safe place where they experience unconditional love and enjoy happy times with their friends. Babies and children receive quality care in our new state of the art Genesis Childcare Center. Our workers receive specialized training and for your child’s safety, have been screened according to the Child/Youth Protection Policy. Childcare Coordinator: Carol Shelton (268-5549, ext. 146)

Helpers for our childcare center

To be a team leader once a month
To volunteer one Sunday a month at 8:30, 9:45, or 11:00 a.m. caring for the children
New for Kids G.I.G. on Sunday Mornings !!

We will continue Kids G.I.G class at 11:00 a.m. and will add a class at 8:30 a.m. starting August 30 in Sexton 110 (Please notice different room). This large group class is for children 3 years old (as of 9/1/09) through 2nd grade. 8:30 Kids G.I.G children will be picked up from the sanctuary After the Children’s Sermon/Gloria Patri.

11:00 Kids G.I.G. Children can begin for your child many different ways: Children attending 9:45 Small Group Class, with an orange wristband on, will be taken to Kids G.I.G. by their teachers. Children just arriving can be signed in at Sexton #110. Children in the Traditional Service in the sanctuary will be picked up after the Children’s Sermon/Gloria Patri. Older children may sign up to help as Junior Leaders. Contact Anne Griswold for more information on becoming a Junior Leader.

Choir, Dance, Homework Help and Kids Combo

Everything starts back up on September 9 for the kids. We will offer a combo class for preschoolers and elementary age children while parents are in their adult classes. If your child participates in Dance, Homework Help and Combos, but you would like to take a class, we can help. Sign them up in Wesley Hall before dinner, enjoy dinner as a family, and then send them to us just before the worship service. After the service we will check them in and out of their activities so you can attend an adult study. If you have any questions, please see Anne or Angie.

Small Group Class Pictures

All classes will participate in group pictures on Sunday, September 13, during their 9:45 class.

Child/Youth Training

All adults working with youth or children are required to take this class annually. The Child/Youth Training class will be offered Wednesday nights at 6:30 on September 9, 16, 23 and 30 for all volunteers who were not able to attend the August 23 class. Please sign up with Lea Ann ( the main office, Nicole or Angie.

2nd Grade Bible Presentation

We are very happy to announce that 2nd graders will receive their Bibles September 27 during the 11:00 Traditional Worship Service. Please make sure you have completed or updated the registration form with their 2nd grade small group leaders. RSVP is necessary for the presentation. We ask that you let us know if you will, or even if you will not, be present. We will have a rehearsal on Sunday, September 13. Details will go home August 30.

Children’s Council Meeting - September 27 at 4:00 p.m.

The summer is over and it is time to regroup and discuss upcoming events and issues. We will have another “Eat & Meet.” Please RSVP on attendance, and if child care is needed.

Friday, August 28, 2009

August 2009

What’s a Registration Form?

We require, for safety reasons, a Registration Form filled out on each child from Infant to 5th grade. If you have not done one yet, please see a Nursery Worker or your child’s Sunday Small or Large Group Leader for the Form. Not sure? We can check for you, just ask. Information changed? You can update form from previous year. Do you have to fill a new one out each year? Not any more. We just ask that you check the current information sometime this summer so we can all be ready for our new classes.

Teacher Training ~ All Small and Large Group Team Leaders!
August 23rd from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
Dinner and Child/Youth Training for Youth Ministry and Children’s Ministry Leaders. Every leader is required to go through the Child/Youth training each year.
5:00 p.m. Small Group and Large Group training. Kim Bogard, a Group Publishing/Faith Weaver Trainer, will be here to give us support, insight and new ideas on the curriculum that we use.
Please RSVP by email,, or call Angie at 268-5549 ext. 143 to sign up.

Acolyte Training
August 23rd From 11:00 to 1:00 p.m.

Mandatory meeting for all 4th, 5th, and 6th grade new and experienced acolytes and their parents. Training will begin in the Fellowship Hall at 11:00 a.m. Parents, please bring your calendars. Sign up opportunities will be available at the training. Lunch will be provided. Call the church office at 268-5549 to confirm your attendance so that we can plan the food and materials appropriately. For more information, contact Stacy Fiedler at

Promotion Sunday is August 30

On Sunday, August 30, Promotion Sunday, classroom locations will change. Two year old classes through 5th grade classes will all move to different buildings or classrooms. We will have everything set up in mid-August for you to tour and become familiar with. Watch the bulletins for the actual date. All children will report to their new classrooms at 9:45 on August 30. Pot Luck Lunch on Promotion Sunday! We had so much fun with this last year we are doing it Churchwide. Everyone is invited to participate in this special day with Fellowship and Food immediately following the 9:45 and 11:00/11:15 services. Please see details on the front of the newsletter.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Music Camp
“Fish Tales” July 13-19

There are a few spots left for Music Camp. A musical production complete with singing and dancing will be prepared. Children attend Monday, July 13 to Friday, July 17, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There will be a dress rehearsal on Saturday, July 18, at 9:30 a.m. and the performance will be Sunday, July 19, at 11:00 a.m. The fee for the camp is $40 per child.

Warren Willis Summer Camp
Calling all Warren Willis Campers. We are having a meeting, July 12, at 4:00 p.m. to cover the necessary forms, travel arrangements, and details about the trip. Please meet us in the Chapel, room 304. Call Angie if you have any questions. (approximately 40 children, youth and adults)

Vacation Bible School
We had over 425 children and volunteers attend VBS this year. We appreciate all of the volunteers who helped before and during this amazing week. Without your time, food donations, and prayer we could not have ministered to so many children. Thank you MUMC for sharing God’s love to our church family and the community. It was a huge success!

Fall Teacher Sign Up
Please come out for a brief discussion of the 2009-2010 school year. Meet in room 303 at 4:00 p.m. on July 19.

Monday, May 18, 2009



Thank you to the thirty-three adults who volunteered to teach our children from the age of 2 year olds through 5th grade all year long. We are so grateful for the commitment and dedication you gave to our children. We pray for you and your family to have a fun and safe summer.


Leaders needed once a month for the summer in the Small Group 9:45 classes!!

We are seeking new teaching teams just for the summer. We ask that each parent please, please, volunteer to help lead your child’s Small Group 9:45 Class. We are working hard to give our teachers that have taught all year long, a well deserved break. We will gladly train and help you each week. Our school year Small Group classes will end on May 31st and summer classes start June 7th. We are continuing the same curriculum throughout the summer and need teaching teams to lead. Talk to Angie or your child’s small group leader now and they will be glad to show you all that is required. To sign up, please contact Angie Engelthaler at or 268-5549 ext 143.


“Crocodile Dock” June 15-19

Our registration for VBS elementary children is still open. You can sign up at the Children’s Welcome Table any Sunday from 9:30-12:30, in the main office Monday through Friday from 9-5, or on the MUMC website. Youth and Adults are needed for crew leaders of elementary and preschool age children. Our VBS Celebration will be Friday June 19, at 7 pm. If you have any questions, please call Angie.

If you have any of the following items that could be loaned to Children’s Ministry for VBS decoration, please contact Anne Griswold at or 268-5549 ext 147.

  • Artificial vines and greenery
  • Old fashioned lanterns
  • Small Child’s Wading pool
  • Small “real” row boat
  • Old fashioned fishing gear (basket, tackle box, cane poles, fishing net, lures)
  • Stuffed “swamp” animals

Items we need donated that will not be returned:

  • Clear Packing tape
  • Rope or twine
  • Artificial turf
  • Foam paint brushes
  • Green and beige burlap


“Fish Tales” July 13-19

Music Camp registration opened May 24th for the first 50 Children going into 2nd grade - 6th grades. We will prepare a musical production complete with singing and dancing. Children will attend Monday July 13th – Friday, July 17th, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There will be dress rehearsal on Saturday, July 18, at 9:00 a.m. and the performance will be Sunday, July 19, at 11:00 a.m. The fee for the camp is $40.00 per child.


MUMC (approximately 40 children, youth and adults) will be heading to Leesburg Methodist Summer Camp on July 20th for a week of fun, and fellowship. It is time to make sure all your forms are completed. Watch for emails from Angie on necessary details for the trip!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Kids Combo ~ April 15 to May 20
Kids Combos run from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. K - 5th grade will do Bible Search and learn to use the Bible for answers to age appropriate situations. 3-5 year olds will be doing Bible Stories with hands on activities. Elementary and preschool sign in each evening is done in the Fellowship Hall by the stage. We will take them to their proper class. If they are also participating in choir, dance, or homework help, we will make sure your child safely gets to all their activities.

Volunteer Celebration
All volunteers are invited to our “2009 Celebration – Survivor Style”! Please plan to come out for light appetizers, fun fellowship and celebration. Sunday, May 17, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Casual survival attire recommended. Children are welcome! We will have a movie room with snacks for the older children and nursery for the younger.

Who is a Volunteer you ask? You are!
If you have helped in any way, any amount and in any form, you are a volunteer. From working with the children, to youth, pushing a wheelchair, driving a golf cart, praying for others, helping in the office, etc. We beg you to please come and let us thank you for helping us get through the growth and changes this past year. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Combo Celebration ~ May 27 from 6:30-8:00
Come out and watch all the wonderful children and youth perform. Enjoy the beginning of our “Summer Savory Suppers” with a special picnic of ‘hotdogs and all the fixings’ topped off with a special ice cream dessert. All the classes will be completed so we can fellowship and watch the performers perform.

Vacation Bible School ~ “Crocodile Dock”
June 15-19 9am-12pm
Our registration for VBS has begun. You may sign up at the Children’s Welcome Table any Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in the main office Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or online at

In order to make this a huge success, Youth and Adult volunteers are needed for crew leaders of elementary and preschool age children. We will also need a few donations of food items for snacks. Please watch your bulletins, newsletters or BLOG for snack donation opportunities.

Our VBS Celebration will be Friday, June 19, at 7:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please call Angie.

Music Camp ~ “Fish Tales” July 13-19
Music Camp registration opens May 24 for the first 50 children going into 2nd grade through 6th grades. We will prepare a musical production complete with singing and dancing. They will attend Monday, July 13, through Friday, July 17, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There will be dress rehearsal on Saturday, July 18, at 9:00 a.m. and the performance will be Sunday, July 19, at 11:00 a.m. The fee for the camp is $40 per child.

Warren Willis Summer Camp
Attention all rising 4th to 12th graders. If you are interested in a fun summer, go to MUMC will be going to Leesburg Methodist Summer Camp on July 20 to 25. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to experience an entire week of Christian unity among friends. If you have any questions, please see Angie.

VBS!!! Registration/Volunteer Sign up!
Our registration for VBS has begun!! You may sign up at the Children’s Welcome Table any Sunday from 9:30-12:30, or in the main office M-F from 9-5. Registration opens to the public on April 19. VBS “Crocodile Dock” is June 15-19 for 3 year olds (by 9/1/08) through current 5th graders. If you have any questions, please call Angie.

Kids G.I.G. Changes!!
We are very excited to announce that due to our 11:00 Kids G.I.G. group rapidly growing, we will make changes starting April 5. We will relocate to the Learning Ladders wing and separate the children into Preschool and Elementary age groups. Please sign up to help just one Sunday every six weeks, so that we can provide a safe environment for our children as they continue “Growing In God.”

Wednesday, April 8 ~ Special Children’s Easter Celebration
Join us from 6:15 to 8:00 p.m. while we celebrate this wonderful time of year. Our children will be divided into Preschool and Elementary Groups and will experience God’s love through his son Jesus Christ. We have fun age appropriate games, crafts and activities planned for this special event.

Sunday, April 12 — Easter Sunday
All of our Children’s small group 9:45 classes and 11:00 large group Kids G.I.G. will follow the regular schedule.

Kids Combo April 15 – May
All 3 year olds to 5th graders are encouraged to come join the fun while parents are participating in adult studies. We have a great time with crafts, games and music. Our classes are divided into two groups: Preschool (Bible Stories) and Elementary (Bible Search). If your child also participates in dance or homework help, we will make sure they safely get to all their activities. Elementary and preschool sign in each evening is done in the Fellowship Hall by the stage.

Warren Willis Summer Camp
Get ready all rising 4th to 12th graders for the Leesburg Methodist Summer Camp on July 20 to 25. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to experience an entire week of Christian unity among friends. Registration for the camp began February 1 at If your child/youth is planning on going with the church, please contact Angie Engelthaler so we can plan our transportation.

Summer Small and Large Group Leaders!
Summer is coming which means our wonderful leaders will get a well deserved break. Please prayerfully consider helping us continue our small and large group classes at 9:45 and 11:00 during the summer months. You can sign up at our Children’s Welcome Table, by email, or call Angie.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:
July 13 to 19 – Music Camp

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March News

Warren Willis Summer Camp. Get ready all rising 4th to 12th graders for the Leesburg Methodist Summer Camp on July 20 - 25. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to experience an entire week of Christian unity among friends. Registration for the camp began February 1 at If your child/youth is planning on going with the church, please contact Angie Engelthaler so we can plan our transportation.

Kids Combo. February 4 – April 1. All 3 year olds to 5th graders are encouraged to come join the fun while parents are participating in adult studies. We have a great time with crafts, games and music focused on the 5 Languages of Love. Our classes are divided into Preschool and Elementary Groups. If they are also participating in choir, dance or homework help, we will make sure your child safely gets to all his or her activities. Elementary and preschool sign in each evening is done in the Fellowship Hall by the stage.

VBS Volunteers—Adults and Youth. March 22 from 9:00 -12:30. Hey all you VBS people! It is time to venture down the lazy river to “Crocodile Dock VBS 2009”. We will have a sneak peak at the curriculum and all the sign up sheets available. VBS will be June 15-19. Please stop by the Annex room #603 and see what’s happening. If you have any questions, please call Angie.

3rd graders and up. The India Children’s Choir will be performing at our church March 28 and 29. We would love for parents and children in 3rd grade and up to please come out to help us serve and greet them at a special dinner. If you are interested or need more information, call Angie.

Upcoming dates to remember:
· June 15 to 19 – VBS
· July 13 to 19 – Music Camp
· July 20 to 25 – Warren Willis Summer Camp

February News

Ash Wednesday ~ February 25. All children 3 years old to 5th grade are invited to a special program teaching them the importance of this special time of year. We will have crafts and hands on activities. Upon closing of the program, children will be reunited with their families in the sanctuary to receive ashes.

Kids Combo February 4 to April 1. All 3 year olds to 5th graders are encouraged to come join the fun while parents are participating in adult studies. We will have a great time with crafts, games and music focused on the Five Languages of Love. Our classes are divided into Preschool or Elementary Groups. If you are also participating in choir, dance or homework help, we will make sure your child safely gets to all his or her activities.

Children’s Council Meeting. February 8th at 4:00 p.m. We will continue our first quarter meeting to plan for the children in our church. Please RSVP to Angie at

Warren Willis Summer Camp. Get ready all rising 4th - 12th graders for the Leesburg Methodist Summer Camp on July 20 to 25. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to experience an entire week of Christian unity among friends. We will have an informational "open door" meeting on February 1 from 11:00 to 12:30 in the Treehouse. This meeting will be for any adults or children/youth who would like more information about the camp or changes made from last year. Come when you can and we will answer all the questions possible. Registration for the camp begins February 1 at

Dates to remember:
· June 15 to 19 – VBS
· July 13 to 19 – Music Camp
· July 20 to 25 – Warren Willis Summer Camp

January 2008 News

Children’s Council. The next meeting is January 11, 2009, at 4:00 p.m. in the Conference Room (room 303). All new and existing members are invited to attend. This meeting will be on visioning for Children’s Ministry. What is your vision for Children’s Ministry? Come share your ideas!

Children are invited to participate with Evangelist Wesley Putnam on Sunday January 25, Monday January 26, Tuesday January 27, and Wednesday January 28. This will be a time of excitement for the children as they actively engage in a search for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. They will be encouraged to walk with Jesus in their daily lives through many actives.

Summer Camp. Watch the Mandarin United Methodist Church website for details about summer camp at Warren W. Willis.