Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March News

Warren Willis Summer Camp. Get ready all rising 4th to 12th graders for the Leesburg Methodist Summer Camp on July 20 - 25. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to experience an entire week of Christian unity among friends. Registration for the camp began February 1 at If your child/youth is planning on going with the church, please contact Angie Engelthaler so we can plan our transportation.

Kids Combo. February 4 – April 1. All 3 year olds to 5th graders are encouraged to come join the fun while parents are participating in adult studies. We have a great time with crafts, games and music focused on the 5 Languages of Love. Our classes are divided into Preschool and Elementary Groups. If they are also participating in choir, dance or homework help, we will make sure your child safely gets to all his or her activities. Elementary and preschool sign in each evening is done in the Fellowship Hall by the stage.

VBS Volunteers—Adults and Youth. March 22 from 9:00 -12:30. Hey all you VBS people! It is time to venture down the lazy river to “Crocodile Dock VBS 2009”. We will have a sneak peak at the curriculum and all the sign up sheets available. VBS will be June 15-19. Please stop by the Annex room #603 and see what’s happening. If you have any questions, please call Angie.

3rd graders and up. The India Children’s Choir will be performing at our church March 28 and 29. We would love for parents and children in 3rd grade and up to please come out to help us serve and greet them at a special dinner. If you are interested or need more information, call Angie.

Upcoming dates to remember:
· June 15 to 19 – VBS
· July 13 to 19 – Music Camp
· July 20 to 25 – Warren Willis Summer Camp

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